A Critical Lift operation is a hazardous activity during which failure/loss of control could result in loss of life or loss of damage to apparatus. This document provides the instructions needed to safely conduct Critical Lifts at workplaces.
The Lifting Devices & Equipment Manager (LDEM) and Safety Manager will be notified of the planning meetings.
A Critical Lift Plan is comprised of a Critical Life Procedure and a Critical Lift Hazard Report. The person requiring the lift, such as the Project Manager or Site Engineer, will prepare a lifting procedure and perform a Critical Lift Hazard Analysis.
A Critical Lift Procedure, which is part of the Critical Lift Plan, is completed for a specific lift operation whenever a Critical Lift is conducted at workplaces .It is signed by the Safety Manager and the responsible project personnel (Project Manager / Site Engineer).
A detailed Hazard Analysis Report of the Critical Lift operation shall be prepared by the project.
If multiple lifts are planned within a short period of time (five or fewer days) of the initial configuration, they will all be planned during the Critical Lift Planning Meeting and be noted in the Lift Procedure. Only one Critical Lift Review Meeting is required for this series of lifts; however, a safety meeting will be held immediately prior to each lift.
The purpose of the Critical Lift Review Meeting is to ensure that the project team is prepared to conduct the lift. Discussion topics include requirements, the lift procedure, and the hazard analysis. The Lift Plan, comprised of the Lifting Procedure and Critical Lift Hazard Report, must be brought to this meeting and reviewed for proper preparation.
This meeting can be held two to three days prior to the lift, but may be held up to two weeks prior for complicated lifts. The meeting may not be held later than the day prior to the lift.
The following individuals will be present:
- Lifting Devices & Equipment Manager
- Safety, Health, and Environmental
- Quality Assurance/Inspection
- Lift Supervisor
- Crane Operator
Document Review
The following documentation will be reviewed by the Safety Representative:
- Proof of current
- Crane Operator physical
- Crane Operator license/training certificate
- Crane inspection verification
- Sling and associated hardware load test inspection tags
Each day of a Critical Lift, a Pre-Lift Safety meeting will be held. The Project Manager or Site Engineer and the Site Safety Manager will attend along with all lift participants. For pre-planned multiple lifts, a safety meeting shall be performed prior to each lift.
A pre-lift safety meeting shall be conducted with all involved individuals to discuss the following issues:
Ø That Lift Plan will be followed as approved (If changes are made in real time, the Operations Engineer will sign these changes)
Ø Lift items must have tag lines at both ends for controllability
Ø Hardhats and steel-toed shoes/boots are mandatory for all individuals
Ø No unauthorized personnel will enter the area
Ø Gloves will be use as necessary, i.e., for holding tag lines.
Ø Personnel shall not be located under suspended or moving loads unless the operation adheres to the OSHA alternative Standard for Suspended Load Operations
Ø Lifts over 75% of the rated capacity of a mobile crane are not allowed for critical lifts.
A Safety Representative will be present during the Critical Lift to observe the operation.
This section applies to facility Critical Lifts. It provides procedures, documentation, and hazard analysis requirements for facility lifting operations for Critical Lifts by their definitions in Safety and Health Regulatins.
Facility Project Managers with a Critical Lift requirement shall ensure that procedures and precautions listed in this document, as well as those basic requirements of Non-Critical Lifts, are followed. The Facility Project Manager shall ascertain whether Safety and Health Regulatins applies to the lift.
A Lift Supervisor will be assigned for each lift. This individual can be a Project Manager, Site Inspector, Lead, or Foreman. Responsibilities include
Ø Reading and understanding the lift plan
Ø Ensuring that each participant is trained for his or her position and that all employees understand the safety procedures to be followed
Ø Determining that required inspections are current for the crane
Ø Determining that lift hardware has the proper rating (i.e., slings, shackles, etc.)
Ø Ensuring that the lift area is secure, all traffic is re-routed, and unauthorized persons are not allowed to enter area during lift
Safety Manager
The Safety Manager, who is not part of the lifting crew, will participate in reviews and be present to monitor the lift. The Safety Manager may be one of the following
Ø Lifting Devices & Equipment Manager (LDEM)
Ø Safety, Health, and Environmental (Code SH) Office
The Safety Representative must understand all the critical lift procedures.
Responsibilities include
Ø Reading and understanding the lift plan
Ø Verifying crane inspection
Ø Reviewing hazard analysis
Ø Attending the Critical Lift Meeting
Ø Attending the Pre-Lift Safety Meeting
Ø Monitoring the critical lift
Ø Safety, Health, and Environmental (Code SH) Office
The Safety Representative must understand all the critical lift procedures.
Responsibilities include
Ø Reading and understanding the lift plan
Ø Verifying crane inspection
Ø Reviewing hazard analysis
Ø Attending the Critical Lift Meeting
Ø Attending the Pre-Lift Safety Meeting
Ø Monitoring the critical lift